Because it is a new build that continues the adventure from 1.6.1, you will have to click on the Continue adventure button in the main menu. There you will have to select the choices you've made in the previous build and input the points you previously had or, as there are no restrictions on what you can choose, you can select a different outcome than you've played until now. The game will only consider the selection you made at the beginning of Vis 2.0.
The save game will work only with 2.0 and above. It will not use previous 1.6.1 save games, mainly to avoid conflicts as the developer did a code cleanup with this new build.
Implemented changes:
- New improved build that starts the adventure from 2.0.
- Asset optimization which resulted in reduced size.
- New UI
- Gallery system has been implemented and in future releases, players can gain access to unique pictures.
- A new character.
- Upgraded the models used for the main female characters.
- New adult animation with four of the characters.
1) Karina and Dhara romantic route Y/N:
Romantic interest with Karina and Dhara:
Players can hint to Karina that he has a love interest in her during the camp scene. If the player chooses that, he will have the sex scene, with them in the camp and a bit later in the game, he is going the have a flashback with Karina, while both of them are on the hill (which is currently present in the released builds).
Choosing this will result in a different plot reveal, other than seducing MC's father as there is still a hint of love for MC. This will also generate a different path, later in the game.
Choosing NOT to have a romantic interest with Karina and Dhara:
If you decide NOT to hint at Karina of the romantic interest, the sex scene from the camp won't happen, the flashback won't happen and the plot reveals for the girls will show that they have seduced MC's father.
2) Morrigan foot licking scene (aka the femdome scene):
There is a menu with three options:
A) Players can go with the original release.
B) The scene can be avoided and have the sex scenes with Morrigan 'butt' for this you will need to have at least 2 seducer points.
C) And if you don't have those 2 seducer points and you want to skip the bootlicking scene, you won't get the sex scenes with Morrigan.
3) Anete - Optional Decima lesbian scene
- I made this optional as well.
4) Fixed issues in the text.
- A part of the main plot is revealed.
- Major milestone from which the player can choose a permanent path.
- The two religious deities are now fully revealed.
- Improved sex animations, with sounds.
- New story content.
- First part of the sandbox, implemented. This contains the economic engine, day/night cycle, edicts, brothel, and the army management.
- Introduction to the first courtesan. Her name is Julia.
- Fixed a bug related to one of Liliana's scenes.
- Status now has visible values.
- New content that will reveal a small part of the plot, alongside some of the most powerful enemies.
- Actions in this part, will reflect on the next update that will be related to religion and deities.
- New content that will set the things in motion for Chapter I. There are three major events where you will decide the outcome.
- A small preview of what is about to happen from chapter I.
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